Saturday, 14 September 2013

sap hr matrix structures, configuration of matrix structure, sap hr matrics

Explain What Are Matrix Structures

Matrix Structure:
You can maintain objects within the structure of your two dimensions, without accessing the matrix and hierarchy view. This can be necessary, for example, to take account of structural changes in the dimensions of your matrix organization.

You can only set up matrix assignments in the matrix or hierarchy view.
The Edit menu option and functions in the standard toolbar enable you to:

1. Create objects
– Delimit objects
– Move objects
– Delete objects

2. Create relationships
- Delimit relationships
- Delete relationships

Can I get the performance rating for a particular employee directly from any database table?
Use program RHHAP_Display_DB (TCode SE38). Once you execute this program, you will find the list of tables.

To get the Rating for specific PERNR, logic will be:
1. Get the Appraisal document ID from HRHAP_APPEE.
2. Form this Appraisal document ID go to table HRHAP_Final and fetch the value of the performance rating.

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