Saturday 14 September 2013

reference personnel number questions in sap

 (IT24) when hiring with ref. personnel number

Question :
Currently we store qualifications for contractors. If they are moved to permenant staff, we terminate them and re-hire them with a new personnel number. This we put on IT0001.
How do I get the qualifications, stored on the first personnel number, to pull through on the new personnel number?
Any help would be great! Thanks

Answer :
When you terminate someone and then rehire with a new number, it is hard. U can use the REFERENCE Personnel NUMBER to link the two, but the best solution would be to create an ABAP that copies these from one to the other.
Sorry there is no magical 'switch' here.

Abs filed of CATS time sheet different with ESS time sheet

Question :
Does anyone know why it would be that the matchcode list in the Att / Abs field of CATS time sheet (txn CAT2) is different to that in the ESS Time Sheet? I created some new attendance types and they display fine in the ESS Time Sheet, but the old ones are still coming up in CAT2.

Answer :
It would most likely me related to the grouping you use the PSG grouping for Atts/Abs. Is it the same. Also be aware that there is a different table in ESS for Abs/Att's, its called V_T554S_ESSEX.

Thanks again. I've resolved the problem thanks. I had copied attendance types for the correct grouping, so that was fine & I had configured the ESS table you mention. The problem was thankfully easily fixed because I'd forgotten that a while back I'd made a personal list selection for that field's matchcode! 

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