Saturday, 14 September 2013

Changing E-Recruiting logon screen in sap hr

Changing E-Recruiting Logon Screen

I need to change the logon page for e-recruiting -- add company logo/images, some text, etc.
First check what is the version you have.
In SICF on the startpage HRRCF_START_EXT there is the possibility as of Version 3.00 SP to bring in some logo's.
There is always option to achieve this, but in older release you need to code a little bit.

To change the text, you can create a traduction with the transaction SE63, choose: Translations/ Abap objects / short texts then select ABAP Texts and REPT
Text Elements, then change. Enter the object : CL_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN and press edit, dbl clic to select deDE 999999 RPT8 CL_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN, then you can change the text of the logon screen.

To have the login screen in the same theme you use for the rest of e-recruiting you will need a modification. Change class CL_ICF_BASIC_LOGIN method INIT_UR.

At the very beginning the path to the theme is set which will be used for the login screen. Change it to you customer theme and the style will be used.
Where to add company logo image in the class. Which method should I change?
Process Flow
- Create a new class that is a subclass of CL_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN.
- You change the layout of the logon screen by overwriting the htm_login method in the new class.
- To modify the screen for the password change, overwrite the htm_change_passwd method.
As per my understanding you will have to modify htm_login method you include the company logo.
This example shows which attributes you have to change and which methods you have to overwrite in order to implement your own logon screen that should have the following elements:
- User name
- Password
- Logon pushbutton
Your class is a subclass of CL_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN.
You need the following attributes in your class for your changes:
- Description
-Form name
Value of the action form attribute
Name and ID of the input field for the user name
Name and ID of the input field for the password
Name of the JavaScript function to be called when a pushbutton is pressed on the logon screen
Event to be triggered when the logon pushbutton is pressed
In addition to the attributes, you need the htm_login method, which you overwrite in your class.
The interface of the htm_login method is used to transfer the JavaScript functions that are necessary and provided by the system and a series of form field value pairs of type HIDDEN, which are required to control the logon. The JavaScript functions are transferred as a string in the iv_javascript parameter; the form fields are transferred in the iv_hidden_fieldsparameter
The HTTP body that is necessary for the HTTP response is summarized in the htm_login method and returned as a string to the caller.

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