Companies interview questionsB. Interview Question and Definitions
Company Code3.
Business area4.
Enterprise Structure5.
Chart of Accounts6.
Fiscal Year Variant7.
Fiscal Year8.
Annual Displacement/ Year Shift9.
Financial Statement Versions10.
Account Group11.
Field Status Group12.
Posting Key13.
Open item Management14.
Reconciliation Account16.
Special G/L Indicator17.
Special G/L Transaction18.
House Bank19.
Document Type20.
Account Type21.
Dunning Procedure22.
Dunning Level23.
Dunning Key24.
Year end Closing25.
month end Closing26.
Functional Area27.
Noted Items28.
Accrual and Deferral29.
Statistical Posting30.
Valuation Area31.
Chart of Depreciation32.
Asset Class33.
Depreciation Area34.
Depreciation Key35.
Period Control Method36.
Depreciation Base37.
Controlling Area38.
Cost Center Std Hierarchy39.
Cost Element40.
Primary Cost Element41.
Secondary Cost Element42.
Cost Element Category43.
Reconciliation Ledger44.
Cost Center45.
Cost Center Category46.
Statistical Key Figures47.
Activity Type48.
Allocation Cost Element49.
Assessment Cost Element50.
Re posting51.
Internal Orders54.
Order Types55.
Cost Of Sales Accounting56.
Tell me About FI Organisation Structure57.
How many Normal and Special periods will be there in fiscal year, why do u use special periods58.
Where do you open and close periods59.
What do you enter in Company code Global settings60.
What is document type, and what does it control? Examples61.
What is posting key and what does it control62.
What is field status group, what does it control63. What is chart of account and how many charts of accounts can be assigned to a company
64. What does definition of a chart of account contains
65. Can one COA be assigned to several companies
66. What is account group and what does it control
67. What is reconciliation account; can you directly enter documents in that a/c
68. How do you control field status of GL master records and from where do you control
69. What are the segments of GL master record
70. What does Field status group assigned to a GL master record controls
71. What is Country and operational chart of account? Why do you use group chart of account?
72. What are all the segments in a Customer/Vendor master record
73. What is open line item management? What do you mean by clearing open line items
74. What is residual payment and part payment
75. What is internal and external number ranges
76. How can be or in what way baseline date is important in Automatic Payment Program run
77. Please tell me the procurement cycle how it works
78. Difference between Depreciation ,Accumulated Depreciation and APC?
What is APC?
79. What is GR/IR?What journal entries we should pass for this
80. What are the accounting entries take place in MM and SD
81. Can we assign one Controlling area to two different Company Codes (but the company codes having different fiscal years/different currencies
82. While posting transaction, can we give cost centre / production order at time.
83. Which Master data uploads will be done
84. Can we run Payment Program giving ( Hdfc vendor detailes ) City bank in Payment run program
85. What does document header control
86. After entering a document can you delete the entry? Can you change the document? Which fields’ can/not is changed
87. What is base line date? Why is that used? Can this be changed
88. What is APC
89. What is a Break point
90. What is CATT
91. What is User Exit
92. What is an Authorization
93. What is User
94. What is a Variant
95. What is a SQL Trace
96. What is Master Data
97. What is the IMG
98. What is ASAP
99. What are the Core Modules of SAP
100. What is ABAP Workbench
101. In the SD document, what are the three levels of a sales document
102. What is User Profile
103. What is Sales Area
104. What is a Logical Database
105. What is Requirement
106. What is an ABAP Query
107. What is a Functional Area
108. What is a Batch Input
109. What is LIS
110. What is OSS
111. What is an SAP GUI
112. Describe how cost center accounting differs from financial accounting
113. Describe the possible options for a controlling area - company code relationship Put emphasis on the option you have in terms of different currencies.
114. Discuss the cross-company controlling
115. What are the three types of currencies used in cross-company-code accounting and what conversion rates are used?
116. Define the types of master data that exist in cost center accounting
117. Define the relationship between the chart of accounts and cost elements in cost center accounting
118. What is the difference between primary and secondary cost elements
119. Is it possible to plan on cost centers in more than one plan version - elaborate youranswer
120. Discuss how distribution for cost center allocation is used in the system
121. Discuss how assessment for cost center allocation is used in the system
122. Distinguish between the two cost allocation techniques: assessment and distribution
123. What is the difference between direct and indirect activity allocation
124. What are the two allocation categories for indirect activity allocation?
125. What is actual cost splitting and its purpose
126. What are the two stages which splitting actual costs based on the activity type occurs
127. What are the primary functions of an order
128. Define and contrast individual orders and standing orders. Give examples of each
129. What is a statistical order? Why would you use one
130. In what two ways can an internal order be processed
131. Describe briefly the collective automatic processing of internal orders
132. What is a selection variant and what is it used for within CO
133. What is a list variant
134. What options do you have for additional account assignments within a CO posting and when would you get a statistical posting
135. What are the different commitment types the system can record for an internal order? For which type do you have to perform a manual reduction
136. What can an order be settled to
137. What is hierarchical settlement
138. What is a Reconciliation posting
139. Describe how costs in Cost Center Accounting are transferred to Profitability Analysis
140. Define and provide an example of a profitability segment within Profitability Analysis
141. What are the 3 levels that a customer master record can be maintained at? Why do these three levels exist? Give an example of the information stored on these levels
142. What are the 3 levels that a vendor master record can be maintained at? Why do these three levels exist? Give an example of the information stored on these levels
143. What are the two purposes of the customer/vendor Account Group? Give an example of how the Account Group is used
144. What are screen layout link rules? Why are screen Layout link rules used for customer/vendor master records? Why are they used for line items
145. What are payment terms? Why are they used? How are they define in SAP
146. What is the document principle in SAP
147. What are the two pieces of a document? What must all line items consist of
148. What do document types control? What is their function
149. What is a posting key? What does it control
150. What are automatic line items? How are they configured in the system? Give some examples of automatic line items.
151. What are employee tolerances? Why do they exist? Give an example
152. What are customer/vendor tolerances. Why do they exist? Give an example
153. Define sort key, allocation field. Describe the relationship between the two.
154. Why would a project team want to configure its own line item layout? Why would a project team want to configure its own fast entry structure
155. What is credit management? Why is it used in SAP
156. How is FI credit management integrated with SD
157. What is a Credit Control Area? Where does it fall in the organizational structure
158. What are the levels of configuring credit management for a customer
159. What is a payment advice? Why would one be used? Give some examples of payment advices
160. What is a reason code? Why would a reason code be used? Give an example
161. What is dunning and why is it used
162. Why are separate dunning levels supported by SAP? What is the purpose of the levels
163. What does the payment program do
164. What are the 4 necessary inputs for running the payment program? Define each and give examples of the data in each.
165. What are the 3 levels that the payment program in configured at? Give examples of the data that is configured on each level